last week I had the incredible honor of making my sister and her new hubby's wedding cake!
I secretly wanted to make this cake for them for months, but seeing as he is from England, I wasn't sure how their reception was going to go.
First, let me tell you a little bit about this couple.
Carah: a creative, beautiful, ambitious girl who likes to be sneaky.
James: a charming, loving, and gentle guy with perfect british accent.

How they met: James was here last summer and working at a neighborhood pool as a lifeguard. (which happened to be my sister-in-laws family pool). Carah, not having a pool, decided to sneak into this pool (thus, the sneaky part!) and she started "getting to know" the lifeguard.
Then he had to go back to England, this created a blissful "Skype" relationship between the two lovelies. A couple of short trips to each other later and he was finally here by the next summer!

James decided to pop that favorable question in July, while Robert and I were out traveling. We got the infamous "skype" call and we were elated! Especially when we heard we were all going to Cancun, Mexico for the wedding in October!
They ended up doing a legal ceremony at the courthouse and then we all galavanted off to Mexico for a week in an all inclusive resort! It was so fabulous!
so after we talked about the cake, I made a little "cake tasting" cake. It was adorable!

making the cake!