last november my life changed. not only did i have a blingin ring on my left hand, but I also got my first "moped" well it was actually a "noped" because it had no pedals, but a kick start, but it was NOT a scooter.
so since then, i've gone through that moped, and now moved on to a smaller, faster, "murdered out" black and gold moped, (which happens to match my gold sparkly helmet just perfect!)

we've gone down to 1 vehicle, a volvo wagon and 6 mopeds. its such a wonderful feeling, about 90 miles to the gallon! what a steal! take that america! finally taking something back.
it feels so great. the wind in your face.
the other night robert and I went over to our good friends and neighbors, Jesse and Julia Kevon and the lovely wife was chopping away at his hair. such a cute panorama: the sweet, helpful wife cutting the bad ass hair for a wedding he was going to be in the following weekend.
just a sweet image.
on the way home Robert and I just looked at each other and I told him how grateful I was to be married and to get to experience life together! We were jubilant lovers.
we made fun of Jesse here, he kind of looked weird, but he usually has an interesting smirk on his face.
what we've been cooking up lately!
chocolate chip cookies, my brother and niece didn't even notice that they were "healthy."

and dinner when robert was sick: tortellini vegetable soup, toasted butter croissants, and sweet potato fries with cinnamon! and white wine, but only for me. water for the sickling :)
and now for the band we must tell about!
robert's friend Ben, from Chicago is in this band, (The Soil & The Sun) we saw them on Friday night at a community house show. They are stupendous! We really enjoyed their show! they are on tour now. hopefully the couple of demolished dollars that I threw in their "gas" bucket got them to Charleston, South Carolina where their next show was! They are great!

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