homemade strand of ornaments.
I cannot believe that it's christmas 2009 already. its like a jug of milk sitting on my doorstep, i must grasp it and enjoy it before it goes sour!
For most of us, this year has been a roller coaster of experience.
The economic fall has impacted almost everyone and some people more then others.
The burden hasn't just been financial, but emotional. People's dreams, plans, mindsets have all been altered.
In my opinion, this year's recession has resulted in a culture wide increase stress and apprehension.
my homemade stocking.
The anticipation for the christmas season is for months in advance! Scented candles, indulging in sugary foods, wrapping paper, consumerism; but it is also a stressful and anxious time.
I love celebrations, as I am sure other's do to, family traditions, cherishing those holiday memories from the past. Along with the blissful memories, we build up a stress for preparation and expectations and fear of letdowns, and past family quarrels.
All of us want christmas to mean something, to be memorable until it comes down to the "shop till you drop," spend spend spend, swiping your credit card over and over, road rage cause by traffic jams, long lines. We are usually just happy to "survive" it.
Americans spend 450 billion$ on christmas every year!
Why don't people use their already talents (reading, writing, creating, talking, eating, baking, crafting, eating) to make gifts; like when we were kids.
What if we gave all the money we spend on christmas to the lonely, thirsty, hungry, hurting, poor, needy?
But then "gift-giving" is also many people's love language.
so you find your balance.
be free to celebrate. :)

recipe of the day!

healthy peanut butter doggy cookies!
(and people friendly! good healthy snack)
2 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
1/2 c. non-fat powdered milk
1 egg
1/3 c. raw sugar/honey/agave (whatever you prefer)
1 c. cold water
1/3 c. natural peanut butter
1/2 c. coconut oil/vegetable oil/saffleflower oil (whichever you prefer)
(may need more water)
oven to: 350
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