this is a bittersweet post about my sweet, spicy, darling, amazing bestie bailey! I am so blessed by her relationship. Our friendship was sprouted from a tiny seed that was planted when we were 15/16. Ever since that one day when she heard me sing a Colbie Cailat's "bubbly" in Japanese, we were sworn as friends, until now, we are 21 and 22 and I am so proud of this girl!
[listening to colbie cailat's "bubbly" while reading this post, makes for a more dramatic read]

[bailey and I at cabana, hillsboro village. ladies night. also, big girls night, she had just turned 21 a few weeks prior]
bailey and I used to live in the same room in a charming little house in east nashville. We shared a room! People say not to live with good friends, especially best friends, it'll ruin your relationship. Not us.

[on the porch of our old house.]
one gloriously bright weekend we spent the whole day at the pool. I never spend the whole day at the pool! Partly because of my sad sun allergy, and I hate being in full sun all day, but the drinks and the cool roof top pool, looking over all of nashville made it so worth it! and being with my Bailey!

[on this same weekend, I went home with swollen feet because we went to a swing dancing get together at Centennial park in Nashville.]

[this girl is golden]

[she stood beside me on my wedding day]

[girls date night for margarita's at Pueblo]

[late night free root beer floats at sonic one night. little did we know it was the sketchy one, and I left my house in my bathing suit.....]

[this girl is amazing. she gets me]
Bailey Todd is a once in a life time friend. You meet someone like this and you cherish her forever, she doesn't float in and out of your life like some people, she is always there. We can go months without seeing each other, but once we give that first hug when we are reunited, it's like we've been next to each other for all that time. She knows how to make you feel like you are the most important person in the world whilst talking to her. Her reasoning is sometimes weird to me, but that's another reason that I love her so dearly. Often, while in a sticky situation, I find myself saying "how would bailey deal with this?" I am so amazed at her willingness to forgive and let things go, something I think we all need a little more of in our lives.
Bailey is leaving on January 2nd from New York and flying to Botswana for 5-6 months. Like I said, this is a bittersweet post. I am thrilled, and excited for this huge, amazing opportunity for her, whilst being selfish and sad that she is going. I am worried she will never come back, but I can't say I blame her. I know she will meet amazing people and impact their lives as she has done mine, certainly. I love you bailey todd and I will never forget the wonderful woman you are, the amazing friend and the importance you have had on my life thus far. I hope you never forget that I will always be here for you, I will fly to botswana for your wedding (maybe?) and I will hold your hand when you deliver your babies, whenever those days come, I am there. I love you.
bailey will be posting from Botswana on her newly listed blog: you can take a look and read it here! enjoy!
ps holiday note:
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