[my new-ish sister-in-law Jessica]
as seen in this picture, she is blowing out some sweet cupcakes! this brings me to my baking adventure of this week!
Jessica mentioned this past weekend that she liked s'mores....
so what better thing then to mesh my favorite 1 handed specialty and an all-american classic treat!
so, I give you S'more cupcakes!

first I made a graham cracker crust with ground up graham crackers, melted butter and some sugar!

then I put the crust into cupcake pans and put chocolate chips over the crust to bake for a few minutes.
[not pictured, but the next layer was a Ganache!]

[then I made a chocolate cake batter and baked it, then topped it with some homemade marshmellow frosting!]

[then we torched them! to give them that fire baked taste!]

[happy birthday jessica!]

[this is the apron that Robert and I made for Jessica's birthday gift! paired with some homemade blue earrings, and she was a happy camper!]

[so was my hubby, with these decadent cupcakes!]
side project this week: painting the outside of the bus! looks great!

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