my weekend was filled with 3 lovely ladies, coffee, a beautiful farm, peaceful sleeps, alpacas, loving mommas, and pure joy!
my sweet friend Julia Kevon had a brilliant idea this past weekend! She invited me, along with 2 other women out to her families farm about an hour and 1/2 away just to relax, get out of the city, craft and eat! It was so needed for all of us!
Friday my morning started off right! Coffee and making chocolate ice cream sandwiches!

Then on Saturday around 5pm we all loaded up in the car and drove out to the farm in Bethpage, TN. It was so great!
I didn't take as many picture's as I would have liked, especially of the alpacas, but I did take a few! Julia's parents have the most adorable little pugs: Wendy and Wally!

[sarah + I really loved these little doggy's!] and we missed our dogs.

[the Miller's lovely house]

[Julia's Grandaddy is a painter, and an incredible one that. I especially liked his version of Japanese Art, truly magnificent!]

[Julia being so sweet]

[awesome coffee station Mrs. Miller has! it's legit]
all together a fabulous weekend. thanks ladies for making me feel loved.
i love you, hannah. i need someone like to to document my life so that the pieces can become memories instead of forgotten.